<色絵 丸文 覗き猪口>
サイズ:口径:4.3cm 底径 3.4cm 高さ:5.1cm
この覗き猪口には、川と梅が二面にわたって描かれていますが、そのうちの一面には、右側の紅梅若木に◉マークが三つ描かれているのに対し、左側の老木であろう白梅には◉マークが七つ描き込まれているのは興味深いところです。尾形光琳の紅白梅図屏風は国宝で、静岡県熱海市にある『MOA美術館』が所蔵。因みにMOA(Mokichi Okada Association) はその創始者である岡田茂吉氏に由来しているそうです。
171 Kohrin-style Maru-mon Nozoki-choko, Koimari Polychrome
Period: Early to Mid19th Century, Edo Period
Condition: The gold color on the rim is thinly remained. If you take a look at it from different angles on your monitor, you may be able to see it better. There is no cracks or cracks.
Dia.: 4.3cm (top), 3.4cm (bot.) Hgt.: 5.1cm
A couple of irises with gold color are drawn on the body. Most people are reminded of a renowned artist "Ogata Kohrin" during the Edo error, as one of his masterpiece depicts irises. Another famous piece of his is called "Koh-haku bai-zu" or "Red and White Plumb Blossoms", which is designated as a national treasure. This Nozoki-choko, seemingly took over the composition of his this work. In Kohrin's "Koh-haku Bai-zu", it is understood that the white plum on the left are older tree and the red on the right is young one, and the river between them means passage of time. In this Nozoki-choko, both plum blossoms are expressed as the ◉mark. It might be difficult to illustrate both blossoms in such a limited space. Or it might have some meaning to draw ◉marks instead of depicting trees with blossoms. It is interesting to see number of ◉marks in two frames, and one of which has seven marks on the left, older side and three on the right, young side. The Red and White Plumb Blossoms Byobu screen is housed in the MOA museum in Atami city, Shizuoka prefecture. The name MOA is derived from the name of its founder "Mokichi Okada, Association" by the way.
※Some of the items in this gallery shop may have cracks, chips or slight deformation, because Koimari is antique and they are all handmade.