口径:3.8cm 底径 3.0cm 高さ:4.9cm
この赤玉瓔珞文(あかだまようらくもん) ・覗猪口の原型となる色絵の覗き猪口が宝永~宝暦年間 (1710-1750年代) に九州・肥前で焼かれています。デザインは殆ど同じで、そちらの方は赤玉の中に宝珠や小槌といったいわゆる縁起物が金色の顔料を使って線描きで描かれており、瓔珞文も丁寧に彩色されています。古伊万里の技術的、質的な頂点は元禄期 (1688-1704) だと言われています。その元禄期の一つ後が宝永年間ですから、『質の高い丁寧な仕事』は宝永年間においても依然として維持されていたと思われます。一方、こちらの覗き猪口は、赤玉の中に若葉文様のような、リボンのようなものがスクラッチ (引っ掻き)という技法を使って刻まれており、瓔珞文様はカジュアルなタッチで大胆に描かれています。
c-99 Akadama Yohraku-mon Design Nozoki-choko, Koimari Iroe
Period: Late19th~ Early 20th Century, Meiji Period
Diameter: 3.8cm (top), 3.0cm (bot.) Hgt.: 4.9cm
This Akadama Yohraku-mon Design Nozoki-choko is a sort of copy of an older Koimari Nozoki-choko manufactured in the Hizen region of Kyushu sometime between the Hohei and the Hohreki period (1710-1750s). The original design of the Nozoki has lucky things such as wooden hammer and jewelry in the red circle zone with gold pigment, and the Yohraku design is well painted. On the other hand, the red circular zones of reproduction one has something depicted by the method called "scratch". It looks like a plant seedling, or else. The Yohraku motif is casually depicted. It is often said that the best period for the Koimari production in terms of technique and quality was perhaps done during the Genroku period (1688-1704). The Hohei period started right after the Genroku period was over, but high quality production of Koimari porcelains was still maintained then.
※Some of the items in this gallery shop may have cracks, chips or slight deformation, because Koimari is antique and they are all handmade.